

Welp I'm all moved in! A lot of folks have been asking to see photos, so I took a few for the fun of it. They aren't great, because I'm not settled just yet (note the boxes everywhere). I came down with a very nasty virus/cold thingie mid-move. It was a whopper! In bed w/ fever for 5 days!!! How can I have a New Home Party that way? tsk, tsk, tsk.

Come on in... I'll walk you through to see it the the way I do every day! First off, we have a security hall before you come in the apt. Turn the corner & voila!, you have my front door & living room.

Turn about 180 degrees & you'll see my wreck of an office/studio! Trust me, it'll be gorgeous when I'm finished with it.

Look to the left & you're able to peer down my cozy lil' hallway!

A couple of steps down the way are my
bedroom & bath.

Through le office you'll be standing smack in the middle of Kitchen de Retro! Imagine, if you will, the future of bright red & mint green living in harmony & basking in the glorious aroma of pumpkin bread & spiced cider!

Last but never least is my patio. I love it. It's probably my favorite place of the whole nest.
I've already seen families taking advantage of the grassy space & kids peddling tricycles as fast as their chubby little legs would pump.
My chairs fit perfectly & I have plenty of space for visiting friends.
(the photo doesn't do it justice)

I'm including some pix of the parks around my neighborhood. The park sans fountain is the one I prefer for walking. There are lots of families who walk & play there. I love sharing their unabated joy on a Saturday afternoon!

I hope you enjoyed the photos & pray you'll come over for a visit!
So! Here's my Q of the Day:
How do you get cozy when Fall begins?


Molly Swanson said...

Congrats on your new beautiful home!!! I can't wait to see it in real life! hm...how do I get cozy for fall? I'd say, pull out funky scarves to wear, buy new school supplies, and drink plenty of pumpkin lattes! I love how God creates each season, and the seasons in our lives. I know this new season for you will be glorious! love you!

Mike and Cymbre said...

LOVE the pics! and I can't wait to see it! Hopefully sooner rather than later!

HHMM...I agree with Molly on the scarves! My sister and I became scarve junkies a few years ago so we always splurged on a few new ones each year...but the old ones are great too! When we got home yesterday and felt the chill in the air, it didn't take long for us to jump into our pj bottoms and long sleeve shirts...I LOVE FALL!!

MartaMaye said...

Precious Kate - Your place is BEAUTIFUL. I love your hardwood floors, and your furniture is too cute!! Congrats on your new home, and I can't wait 'till God crosses our paths once again!

Rob said...

There's something about the crisp air that Fall brings - and these cooler, damper, slightly shorter days we've had over the past few weeks sure makes it feel like the season is coming on early - that just begs for some baking. And sometimes nothing says "cozy" any better than fresh smells from the oven...

By the way, welcome to the Basin!